Sunday, June 2, 2013

Researcher Chapters 7 & 8

Chapter 7
Research: Trimalchio
- Trimalchio was a free individual who persisted and persevered in order to acquire what he most desired which was wealth and power. Therefore, when it comes to the relevance that Trimalchio was even mentioned in the Great Gastby is that the character of Gastby turns out to be an extended slightly different version of Trimalchio. The difference is that Trimalchio became overwhelmed and controlled by his amount of wealth and influence, while the only subject that drove Gatsby's character was his desire to obtain Daisy's love.
- According to, "The Classical Journal," the author F, Scott Fitzgerald primarily intended to name the novel, Trimalchio, but his hesitance to name his book by that name, came from the fear that people would not be able to remember or spell the name of his work.

Chapter 8
Research: Camp Taylor 
- Due to the fact that the author himself, F. Scott Fitzgerald was stationed at the Camp Zachary Taylor in 1918, indicates that this seems to be the reason why he mentions the camp in the novel. 
Research: Atlantic City (1920s)
- Tourism at is peak

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