Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Discussion Questions 14-30

Discussion Questions Chapter 14-30

Chapter 14
Why are citizens of the West frightened and on edge?
Chapter 15
How does Mae soften up and sell the man and his child a loft of bread for a dime instead of fifteen cents? What does it lead to?
Chapter 16
What does the man tell Pa Joad about his experience in California? What happened to the man's children?
Chapter 17
What are migrant men?
Chapter 18
What does the policeman make the Joad family do?
Chapter 19
Why did the wealthy American men resent the copious amount of Okies?
Chapter 20
Why doesn't anyone organize against the unfair landowners? What are the possible consequences?
What happened when Knowles demands a contract and a set wage for the fruit pickers?
Chapter 21
How does Californian locals bring down and further cause suffering to the Okies?
Chapter 22
What does "That police. He done somepin to me, made me feel mean...ashamed. An 'now I ain't ashamed...why I feel like people again," mean. Explain.
Chapter 23
What do people do when they are not working or looking for work?
Chapter 24
What is the story of the mountain people? What were the consequences?
Chapter 25
Why are small farmers doomed to fail compared to large landowners?
Chapter 26
How and why did Jim Casy die?
Chapter 27
How do migrants counter the practice of owners rigging the scales to weigh cotton?
Chapter 28
How does Tom Joad's secret get revealed?
How does Tom Joad act upon Jim Casy's words of wisdom?
Chapter 29
What does the men's fear turn into because of the desperation? How will it keep them strong?
Chapter 30
How and why did Rose of Sharon's baby die? 


  1. 1. They are frightened because they are fearing danger and undergoing change.
    2. Mae softened up after she saw what Al done for the two boys. He raised his voice at her so that she would give them bread for how much they had. Mae then saw the kids looking at peppermint candy and generously told them that it was 2 for a penny but it was actually a nickel each. The truckers saw what she had done and ended up paying more for coffee and pie than it was worth.
    3. The man tells him that there is simply no work in California, his children and wife starved to death because he took them to California to find work.
    4. They are migrant farmers that the communities joined and created together along with their own rules, and also allowed the farmers' lives to change completely which turns them into migrant men.
    5. The policemen rudely made the Joad family move to another place.
    6. The weathly American men resented the copious amount of Okies because they knew that the people were in danger to having stability of land ownership.
    7. Anyone who dicusses to organize against landowners would be labeled as "red" and taken by the police. The man asks for a police duty and then arrestes Knowles.
    8. The California Locals form bands to terrorize the Okies and keep them in their place.
    9. Joad is explaining how polices make people feel wrong for something so little but they make it a huge situation for no apparent reason. The policemen make people feel like they're wrong and guilty, but only you know what you did wasn't wrong.
    10. They make music and tell folktales together if they didn't have any money. If they did have money, they would buy alcohol.
    11. It was about the townspeople and a group of mountain people. Basically the moral of the story was that the townspeople wanted to run the mountain people out of their place but because of that, the mountain people began to shoot turkeys and since then there hasn't been any conflict between the two. He's basically saying that if people overcome their fear and stand up for themselves, they would not be taken advantage of.
    12. Small local famers are doomed to fail because large landowners monopolize the industry and they are already in debt.
    13. Jim Casy died because a policeman saw him talking to Tom and thought he was a communist. The policeman then crushes his skull with a pick handle.
    14. The migrants often load stones in their sacks.
    15. Tom's secret gets revealed by Ruthie. He wants to keep that quote strong and alive by doing what Jim Casy wanted to do, which was organizing the people.
    16. The mens' fear all turned into anger. It will keep them strong as long as they maintain their rage.
    17. Rose of Sharon felt sick when she went into labor. When her baby was delivered, it was "stillborn."

  2. 1. The citizens of the West are frightened and somewhat threatened by the Okies because they feel like due to the large numbers of migrants coming in, these newcomers will throw a revolt and take over their land.
    2. After seeing that the man had two young boys, Mae put aside the fact that she had to sell the bread for 15 cents, and she sold it for 10 cents. She also sells the man and the boys a couple of candy for only a penny, and this led to Mae receiving a generous tip.
    3. The man told Pa Joad that despite what the han'bills said, there was no real work in California, and he also described how his own family had starved to death.
    4. The farmers who had traveled from the Mid-West to California and eventually joined a camp community became known as a migrant man.
    5. The policeman forced the Joad family to move away from their tent.
    6. The wealthy Americans resented the copious amounts of Okies due to their preconceived idea that their arrival in California was going to be a threat to the state's stability.
    7. No one dares to organize against the unfair landowners due to the fact that the consequences would be severe. The possible consequences would be getting red-listed, and this would prevent people from finding work.
    8. California locals created hostile environments in order to further bring down the Okies. The citizens would form armed bands to terrorize the Okies, and the large industries would make it their responsibility to destroy in competition the smaller farms in which the Okies worked.
    10. When the people at the Weedpatch camps were not working or looking for work they would organize dances with alcohol and music.
    11. The story of the mountain people consisted of men who were hired for cheap labor in a rubber company. However, when they joined the union, the townspeople got together to run them out of the town.
    12. The small farms are bound to fail due to the fact that the large farming industries created a monopoly.
    13. A policeman thought that Jim Casy had a "communist" affiliation, and as Casy tried to protest about starving children, the policeman hit him on the head with a pick handle, cracking his skull.
    14. The migrants counter the practice of owners rigging the scales to weigh the cotton by filling up their sacks with stones.
    15. His secret was brought up by Ruthie because she said it out of impulse because she was angry. Tom Joad acts upon Jim Casy's words of wisdom by taking on the responsibility of organizing people.
    16. Out of desperation due to the floods, the men's fear turns into anger, however, what would keep them strong would be controlling their rage.
    17. Rose of Sharon began to get sick in the boxcar during the flood, and when she gave birth, her baby was born still-born, in order words she gave birth to a dead baby.
