Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Vocabulary Chapters 10-13

Vocabulary Chapters 10-13
Splutter(v)-To make repeated and/or sporadic gestures of spit; to speak hastily and incoherently, as when confused or angry.

This illustrates the manner in which Tom Joad's grandpa interacted towards Joad and his mother. It clearly shows the animosity his grandpa felt towards how younger generations treated older individuals, such as himself. An example is the the mother of the family does not let the grandparents take care of themselves. (119)

Bristly(adj)- Consisting of or similar to thick coarse hair; thick with bristles.

This specific word is used to describe the grandpa's chin. It accurately confirms that the grandfather is a countryman and a "redneck." (119)

Splay(adj)-Spread or turned out; clumsy or clumsily formed.

It reveals that frames and other material items in a woman's house, reported by AI, are spread out and displayed for acknowledgment. It also leads to AI's next belief that the frames were expertly placed on the nail for the same purpose. (130)

Enthrone(v)-To seat on a throne; to invest with sovereign power or with the authority of high office.

This descriptive word shows how the grandpa was placed on the running board and how he was in full control of the situation, even though he was facing John Casy. This can also reveal some of the grandfather's character traits including confident and strong-willed. (133)

Debris(n)-The scattered remains of something broken or utterly destroyed; rubble or wreckage.

This word help displays the environment in which many broken houses lay. It also helps determine the condition of the collapsed houses, which is deplorable because there is debris and rats that infest the location. (149)

Swarmed(v)-An aggregation of persons or animals, especially when in turmoil or moving in mass.

It shows the action Ruthie and Winfield took from the side boards and into the bushes due to the motivation from their family. (161)

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