Friday, March 22, 2013

Chapter 10-13 Discussion Questions

Chapter 10
1. Where did Pa Joad go? Why? What did he return with?
Chapter 11
2. The chapter talks about separation in life and work, what did this cause the men to do? How would you feel if you have to move constantly because of no work?
Chapter 12
3. Why are the tenant farmers so worried while making their way to California?
Chapter 13
4. "His restless eyes jumping from the road to the instrument panel"(157) What does this quote indicate? Explain.


  1. 1.Pa Joad went to town to sell their belongings since they are heading towards California, and they cannot take all of their posessions. He took all of the big furniture to try to get as much money in order to have money for the long trip. He returned home with only $18 which was very little money (got cheated). Those who purchased the items knew that they were in need, so they took advantage of the situation.

    2.The men that were separated in life and work, no longer had a passion for their land; they began to wander of. If I had to move constantly, I would feel depressed that I could not call one specific place a home of my own and it would be hard to make new friends and find new work every time.

    3. The tenant farmers are worried while they are on a trek to California because their money is being spent constantly, the food amount is decreasing, and they are not sure if their car will make it all the way though. They are truly afraid that their car will break down

    4.The quote indicates that Al was real tired and sleepy, but yet he kept watching out for the road and for a possible weird sound that came out of the car's engine.

  2. 1. Tom Joad's father went to sell the family's belonging because they needed money, and they couldn't take every miscellaneous item with them. He especially wanted to sell the family's furniture, because he thinks that it will bring in a worthy profit. At the end of the day, however, he only brought in a total of eighteen measly dollars. This was because his customers knew that Pa Joad was inexperienced and desperate and used that to benefit themselves.
    2. Many men separated life and work. As a result them moved from location to location and resembled nomads in that particular way. If I had to move constantly because of work, I would feel deprived of some of my liberties, because life is only going to get harder and feel emptier. Some basic necessities like employment would be an open challenge.
    3.The tenant farmers are worried on their journey to California, because their resources were draining at an accelerated pace, including food, water, and money. Their car was also in a state of distress and might break down.
    4.That quotes displays that AI was feeling tried and weary, however, he kept doing his job which was watching the road intently for any problematic sounds emitting from the car's engine.

  3. 1. Due to the fact that the Joad family is moving to California, money became a huge factor on whether or not the family was going to be able to make the move. Therefore, Pa Joad took on the responsibility to take some of their possessions to town to try and make some money. When he comes back, he is portrayed as disappointed and a bit discouraged because he only was able to make 18 dollars.
    2. Since the men were merely working to work, they began to lose interest for the land. Also, the workers failed to have a stable way of living on the land depriving them from exploring and understanding the land they were living in. If I had to be moving constantly due to the lack of work, I would feel miserable because I would not be able to have a stable life or be able to call a specific place home.
    3. The tenant farmers are worried while on their journey to California because many faced complications on their way there. For instance many families were struggling to get from one service station to another, also many of their resources such as water were running out. Some even began to believe that it was a mistake to move.
    4. This quote is describing the paranoia behind the people who were traveling to California. Al was worried as well as attentive to the car's engine making sure it was not going to falter. The fact that it states, "restless eyes," also means that he is exhausted from the journey yet determined to go to California.
