Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Travel Tracer Chapter 8-9

1. In Chapter 8, the action began when Tom and Casy began their walk to Uncle Johns house Pg. 87
New characters were introduced which were his mother, Ma Joad, his father, Pa Joad, his grandma, grandpa, and his brother Al Joad. His mother was in shock out of all the family members because she thought she was not going to see him again. The event ends when Tom and Al get finally catch up after being reunited for long. Pg. 110

2. In Chapter 9, the action began when the tenant people were kicked off their land and sifted of their belongings, having to picked over their own personal possessions. The little antiques and belongings they could not take were either left behind or had to be sold. Pg. 111
Most of their belongings were sold in town, those that were not sold were set to fire as a final solution. The tenant people then ended this event by frantically loading up their cars and driving away to California. Pg. 114, 115

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