Thursday, March 7, 2013

Vocabulary Enricher/ Word Wizard

  1. Insinuation
    Pg. 12 P. 2
    an indirect or covert suggestion or hint, especially of a derogatory nature
    Reason: In the text it says there was a quality of secrecy and insinuation in his eyes. It made me wonder what that word was.

  2. Embankment
    Pg. 20 P. 2
    a bank, mound, dike, or the like, raised to hold back water, carry a roadway
    Reason: I didn't know what the author mean when he wrote "At least he didn't climb the embankment."
  3.  Zenith
    Pg. 24 P. 5
    a highest point or state;
    Reason: I have never seen the word Zenith before and it caught my attention.
  4. Protruding
    Pg. 24 P. 6
    to thrust forward; cause to project.
    Reason: I thought this word was an adjective since the author used it to describe the character's eyes, but I wanted to make sure of what it really meant and this word just happened to be a verb.

  5. Declivity
    Pg. 24 P. 5
    a downward slope, as of ground
    Reason: In the sentence I thought this word meant like a hill and the definition was similar to it.
  6. Swale
    Pg. 24 P. 5
    a low place in a tract of land, usually moister and often having ranker vegetation than the adjacent higher land.
    Reason: The word sounded unfamiliar to me, then I figured out that it's part of the middle language.

  7. Perspiration
    Pg. 25 P. 8
    a salty, watery fluid secreted by the sweat glands of the skin, especially when very warm as a result of strenuous exertion; sweat.
    Reason: I thought it meant like emotion, but I guess not...that's gross.


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