Sunday, March 24, 2013

Summary for Chapters 10-13:

Chapter 10: The Joad family has agreed to migrate to California in search of a new home and work. Pa Joad goes to town to sell their belongings because they cannot carry all of it, but returns depressed because he only received eighteen dollars which is not very much. Casy comes along with the Joad family, and Grandpa does not want to leave, so they put medicine in his coffee and take him along.

Chapter 11: The whole chapter describes the emptiness of the land without its tenant farmers because it requires farmers to work the land in order for it to become enriched. The separation between the farmers life and work causes them to loose interest, so the farmers leave their farmlands. Soon, the land becomes grotesque, empty, and full of creatures since there is no one to work it.

Chapter 12: Tenants farmers drive through the main route, Route 66, on their way to the "promising land" of California. In this chapter, the narrator portrays the voice of the farmers and describes with much depth , the worries that came across the farmers' heads while they drive. They face struggles with their cars and come across salesmen who try cheat them.

Chapter 13: The Joad family worries about what to expect in California since it sounds too good to be true, but Ma says that she cannot worry about the expectations, but  she has to wait for what it has to offer. They stop for gas, but do not have enough money for it; they become aware of the hardships that low class gas stations face. The family dog is run over and later buried. The family camps along the roadside and meets the Wilsons family whose car has broke down; Grandpa is sick, so the Wilsons offer their tent. Grandpa dies, and they bury him although its against the law. Lastly, the Joad family and the Wilsons family agree to stick together to travel to California.

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