Monday, March 11, 2013

Travel Tracer (Chapter 6)

Travel Tracer The Grapes of Wrath Chapters Six

Chapter 6
1. Tom Joad and Reverend Casy see that Joad's house is completely destroyed and withheld a slumped foundation.
2. Joad noticed cotton cultivation in areas that were never cultivated when he lived there originally.
3. Joad's family is nowhere to be seen.
4.He and Casy enter the abandoned house. Joad speculated that either the family deserted the land, or his parents died because the gate wasn't shut and hooked like it always was.
5. Joad presumed that the situation was askew.
6. After a cat settled between the two men, Joad discovered that the community had extensively been cleared of tenant farmers and had been abandoned.
7. He then goes on to tell Casy about how Albert, an old neighbor, moved out of the neighborhood.
8. After a long conversation, they spot someone amongst the thick dust. It appeared to be Moley Graves.
9. Moley tells the two men that Joad's folks are at Uncle John's place, because they want to make enough profit to move westward.
10. Moley also informs them that landowners were kicking tenant farmers off their land, because they are no longer profitable.However, Moley refused to leave.
11. Moley's family moved to California without him because there was no food to ingest in their current situation.
12. After introductions, the three men eat a fresh killed rabbit and cooked it over a fire. They also retold stories about the past.
13. Joad recalled the day he killed a man out of self-defense. He was drunk at a party and got into a fight with Herb. He felt a blade pierce his skin, and so he hit him with a shovel. That hit eventually killed Herb.
14. Joad tells his companions that he can't leave the state because of parole.
15. Joad also tells the two men that life in prison really made him think about his decision. However, he would do it again if it were necessary.
16. Deputy Willy and his partner were patrolling that land for trespassers, which are the three men.
17. The three men lower themselves on the cotton fields while the deputy searches the premises. After the officials leave, the men rise from the ground.
16. The men seek a place to sleep during the night.

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